Enzo Baby
One day you became my baby
Burst into our world
And it was never the same again
You were new and out of sorts
Then you mastered your world
Crawling, walking, running, jumping
Smiling, laughing, eating, talking
You made new friends at the park
Leo, Emerson, Ari, Lily, Flavio
And life-long bonds with strangers
OHhhhh-LAaaaaa, TEEeeeee (Hola, Tia)
Then one day you grew up
Faster than all the days, months, and years
In just three days while we were away
You found your voice and confidence
I left you as a baby
And came home to you as a child
A big brother to your little sister
You had to grow up
But I want you to know
You will always be my baby
My precious little Enzo baby
My love, my heart, my world
I just have a bigger heart now
A heart big enough for two
A heart that will keep growing
To capture all the love I have for you
Enzo baby
I love you so much